Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wow, so this daily blogging stuff is almost harder to keep up with than the diet! Thursday I ate almost nothing at all, but what I did eat was pretty carby. Still, I think I was under 100gm for the day.


B: green smoothie, glass of milk - 73 carbs
L: cheese and salami - 2 carbs
D: sirloin steak w/A1 and iced tea (and a few bites of mashed potatoes, but really just a taste) - 4 carbs
S: two glasses of milk - 44 carbs

That puts me at about 123 carbs for yesterday. With about 66 of them coming from milk. So if the weightloss starts to slow down any, I know an easy place to cut back. However, right now I'm loving my fresh raw Jersey milk, and will probably keep drinking as much as I want. After all, it's not a grain, and it's not refined sugar!

My official weigh in isn't until tomorrow morning, but as of today I'm down more than 3 lbs, so I'm very encouraged.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oi, today hurts!!

Yesterday I count as another success! My carbs were around 103, not too bad at all. Also soda and grain free. And I got back to my Yoga class. But I think I pushed it too hard. I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. All my muscles hurt, and I had nausea (I threw up once), headach, and the runs. I'm feeling a little better now, but I slept until about 1:00. It's a good thing my children are perfect angels. They take good care of their mama.

Yesterdays Meals -
B: Green smoothie - i cut down on the fruit a little and this came in at 40 carbs
L: Cheese and smoked salmon, glass of raw milk, tea with a little honey, milk, co and some carrots. - 36 carbs, mostly from the milk
S: 1 egg omlett w/bacon - 3 carbs
D: Egg drop soup, glass of milk - 22 carbs, all from the milk

Today so far:
B: nuthin
L: 16 oz pepsi, small piece of milk chocolate, large glass of milk - 81 carbs

I'm thinking about beans and rice tonight, so it may be a higher carb day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Yesterday, Success!!

Well, I'm counting yesterday as a success. I roasted two chickens so I had chicken and salad for dinner. I also had a big afternoon snack, so I wasn't starving after dinner and reaching for munchies. My carbs were up around 140, so I'm going to try putting less fruit in my green smoothie, and adding a dash of stevia powder. It's pretty yummy, and that puts my morning smoothie at about 40 carbs, instead of 70 or so.

Yesterdays meals

B: yogurt with honey (another reason for the higher carbs, but today I'm putting honey in my tea, so I'm going to have to figure it in)
L: didn't happen until almost 4:00, and was bacon and some cashews. It was kind of on the go.
S:Green smoothie, I just had to get it in!
D: Chicken and salad

Dinner was kind of late, and I really wasn't hungry after dinner which was nice. Aside from my smoothie, it seems like a lot of my carbs are coming from dairy, milk and yogurt. I'll cut down on the yogurt, but I love my raw milk, and yesterday was actually a low milk day. Hopefully cutting down on the smoothie a little will free up some room for all those raw dairy carbs, because I'm not giving them up quite yet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So yesterday was again, a complete bust. I do so well during the day, but dinner gets me every time. I was working all day yesterday and by the time dinner rolled around I had no motivation, so I ordered a pizza. Then our neighbor came over with her son and we made margs (not for the kids)and I had two, and a beer, and tortilla chips. I suck at life.

I think I'm going to stick to weekly weigh-ins. But here is my breakdown from yesterdays food.

B: Green smoothie
L: cheese and salami
S: Cashews
D: Pizza
S: tortilla chips and margaritas.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dinner at the grandparents did not go very well. We had beef briskit (good) with noodles, bread, and chocolate for dessert (bad bad bad) I did manage to not have any soda though, so score one point for willpower. I had only a small serving of noodles, but I had three slices of home made bread. Drinking water now, and tomorrow is another day.

Day 1, For Real This Time

So I've been trying this low carb high fat high protein diet for several weeks now. My problem? It's easy to add in good fat, it's hard to actually cut out the carbs. So here goes. I plan to cut out all grains and refined sugars. I'm leaving myself access to honey, maple syrup, dates, and fruit. If I'm hungry, I will eat, even if I feel like I've been eating all day, as long as it stays within the no carbs guidelines. I hope to keep my carbs to around 100gm/day, but I'm not going to be super strict on that yet, mostly I need to get over my sugar and grain addictions. I'm going to try to keep a daily log of what I eat, and my weigh-ins once a week. Also how I feel and how my energy/mood is responding.

Day 1

Weigh In: 156 lb (ouch, this is the most I've ever weighed not pregnant, and is 10 lbs heavier than my most pregnant weight with my first)

B: Green Smoothie
L: cheese, salami, salad, glass of raw milk, glass of grape juice kefir (much less sugar than actual grape juice since the microbes eat the sugar) handful of walnuts
D: at the grands. I have no idea what g-ma is serving, so I'll just do my best. NO SODA!!!!!

Week 1: ditch the sugar and grains
Week 2: drink more water
Week 3: eat a BAS (big ass salad) every day
Week 4: refine my carb count