Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 1, For Real This Time

So I've been trying this low carb high fat high protein diet for several weeks now. My problem? It's easy to add in good fat, it's hard to actually cut out the carbs. So here goes. I plan to cut out all grains and refined sugars. I'm leaving myself access to honey, maple syrup, dates, and fruit. If I'm hungry, I will eat, even if I feel like I've been eating all day, as long as it stays within the no carbs guidelines. I hope to keep my carbs to around 100gm/day, but I'm not going to be super strict on that yet, mostly I need to get over my sugar and grain addictions. I'm going to try to keep a daily log of what I eat, and my weigh-ins once a week. Also how I feel and how my energy/mood is responding.

Day 1

Weigh In: 156 lb (ouch, this is the most I've ever weighed not pregnant, and is 10 lbs heavier than my most pregnant weight with my first)

B: Green Smoothie
L: cheese, salami, salad, glass of raw milk, glass of grape juice kefir (much less sugar than actual grape juice since the microbes eat the sugar) handful of walnuts
D: at the grands. I have no idea what g-ma is serving, so I'll just do my best. NO SODA!!!!!

Week 1: ditch the sugar and grains
Week 2: drink more water
Week 3: eat a BAS (big ass salad) every day
Week 4: refine my carb count

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