Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can I use yesterday's numbe for this weeks weigh in?

I had a pretty good primal week this week. Yesterday I weighed in at 151.2. Yay!

Starting Weight: 156
Previous Weigh-in: 152.4
This Weeks Weigh-in: 151.2

Last night was my Grandparents 60th annaversary, and we went out to dinner. Tonight is my first date night with my husband in what feels like forever, and I want Spagio's Lobster Bisque and Brie Pizza, so it's not going to be a very primal day either. So I'm just going to use Friday's number, since I like it.

I'm getting better at eating my salad. Not enjoying it really yet, but doing better. Also my carb cravings are diminishing. Not gone, but getting less. And I felt like crap after eating out last night, I had some bread before dinner, and there was cake and ice cream. I think the grains do me in more than sugar does though, because I don't feel that way after eating chocolate. Maybe I just never eat that much chocolate in a sitting.

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