Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies = Evil

I was completely derailed yesterday by the arrival of my previously ordered Girl Scout Cookies. Pure evil delivered in a scruptious package by cute little girls. I also severly mismanaged an IF, and ended up out of the house when I got hungry, so by the time I got home I was famished and the cookies were right there. So I ate about 2/3 a box of Somoas. Then had a very fruit heavy green smoothie, and since my day was a bust anyway, a Reeces egg. And Brad brought home frozen yogurt. Yum. I have no idea how many carbs I had yesterday, but it was probably my whole weeks worth.

And I think I killed my kefir grains :(

Today is starting out much better. I did IF until noon, but I made a sensable smoothie and some beef jerky. I need to quit obsessively counting my carbs. Brad thinks we should concentrate on one thing at a time, and really cut out the grains, and work on sugar later.

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